Planning for Energy Conservation
Changes in land use impact the environment and people. Choosing and applying ecosystem-based planning strategies can reduce the adverse impacts of development, improve the quality of life for people in the community and surrounding areas, and reduce the costs taxpayers face to maintain services. Understanding the existing conditions is essential and environmental analysis and reporting pays many dividends. Placement within the community is important to reduce the risks of flooding, wildfire, landslides, and earthquakes. Solar orientation of homes is often the most important first step in layout. Stormwater management is also a priority. And transportation options will have long-term costs and impacts on global climate change.
Planning, energy conservation, land use, impact analysis, solar access, solar rights, transportation, street design, bikeway planning, stormwater runoff, above-ground stormwater management, groundwater recharge, pedestrian, waste management, community, neighborhood, friends network, transportation, wildfire, seismic safety
✱Bainbridge, D. A. and K. Haggard. 2011. Passive Solar Architecture. Chelsea Green.
Bainbridge, D. A. 2011. The sustainability trail. EcoBuilding Network, Marin. PPT
✱Bainbridge, D.A. 2000. Ecology and education for sustainable design. Presented at the Efficiency and Miniaturization Forum. Solar 2000 American Solar Energy Society, Madison, WI, June.
✱Corbett, J., D. A. Bainbridge and J. Hofacre. 1979. Village Homes' Solar House Designs. Rodale Press.
✱Bainbridge, D. A. 1987. Energy self-reliant neighborhoods. pp. 398-402. In D. A. Andrejko and J. Hayes, eds. 12th Passive Solar Conference Proceedings, American Section International Solar Energy Society (ASISES), Boulder, CO.
✱Bainbridge, D. A. 1979. Residential street design for energy conservation. Passive Solar Institute, Davis, CA 20 p. (rev. of LS report).
✱Bainbridge, D. A. and M. Hunt. 1978. Solar Access: A Local Responsibility. California Energy Commission, Sacramento, CA. 8 p
Hammond, J., D. A. Bainbridge and D. Anson. 1977. Environmental Factors Affecting Solar Access. Living Systems for the American Society of Planning Officials. 24 p.
✱Bainbridge, D. A., B. Melzer and J. Hammond. 1976. Planning for Energy Conservation. Living Systems for the City of Davis, CA. 83 p.
✱Bainbridge, D. A. 1976. The Case for Solar Rights. Living Systems, Winters, CA. 6 p.
✱Bainbridge, D. A. and B. Kopper. 1976. Energy conservation for small towns. Small Towns. 7(5):7-13.

May also be of interest
Bainbridge, D. A. 1975. Bikeway Planning and Design. Bainbridge, Behrens, and Moore, Inc., Broderick, CA. 105 p. (released as draft, never finalized).
Bainbridge, D. A. 2005. Earthquake safety. Resource Engineering and Technology for a Sustainable World. 12(3):29.
Bainbridge, D. A. 2003. Sustainable development: obstacles and opportunities. San Diego Daily Transcript. Feb. 26.
Bernheim, A., P. Pinto, and D. A. Bainbridge. 2003. Greening the campus: greening the curriculum. In Greenbuild CD: Proceedings of the Green Building Council Annual Meeting, Pittsburg. PA. §603.
Bainbridge, D. A. 2000. Solving the transportation problem in San Diego. San Diego Earth Times. May 4 p.
Bainbridge, D. A. 1998. Development doesn’t have to be a dirty word. Los Angeles Times. Dec. 26, B7.
Bainbridge, D. A. 1997. The flood next time. SD Earth Times. October. 4-6.
Bainbridge, D. A. 1988. Sustainable development and ecological conservation. Drylander. 2(1):2.
Bainbridge, D. A. 1982. Plotting shadow patterns. Solar Heating and Cooling 7(2):14-15.
Bainbridge, D. A. 1982. Sun Ridge: a subdivision for the 80's. Sun. 6(1):8-9.
Bainbridge, D. A. 1976. Towards an environmental new town. Council of Planning Libraries Exchange Bibliography #967, 6 p.
Bainbridge, D. A. 1976. Environmental new town -- today? Seriatim. 1(1):4-6.
Bainbridge, D. A. 1976. The Davis energy conservation building ordinances. Design and Environment. (Summer): notes.
Bainbridge, D. A. 1981. How to help your home help you: Homeowner’s Manual. Sun Ridge Homes, Rio Linda, CA.
Bainbridge, D. A. 1979. Patwin: an Energy Self-Sufficient New Town. prospectus for Mike Corbett and the Patwin Development Group, Davis, CA. 46 p.
Bainbridge, D. A. 1979. Energy efficient neighborhood design. Sacramento Municipal Utility District, Sacramento, CA.
Hammond, J. and D. A. Bainbridge. 1977. Community Design for Energy Conservation. Living Systems for the County of Sacramento, CA.
Hammond, J., D. A. Bainbridge, et al. 1977. The Davis Energy Conservation Report: Practical Use of the Sun. Living Systems, Winters, CA.
Bainbridge, D. A., ed. 1976. Sacramento County Energy Conservation Building Code. Living Systems, Winters, CA.
Bainbridge, D. A. 1976. A proposal to include solar orientation in the Subdivision Map Act. Living Systems, Winters, CA.
Bainbridge, D. A. 1975. Preliminary Seismic Safety Element. City of Winters. DAB Environmental Planner, Davis, CA.
Bainbridge, D. A. 1975. Energy analysis and prospectus for the Cordelia Development. DAB Environmental Planner, Davis, CA. 26 p.
Bainbridge, D. A. 1974. Environmental New Town Prospectus. DAB Planner, Davis, CA.
Bainbridge, D. A. and M. Moore. 1974. Putah Creek Bikeway. David A. Bainbridge Environmental Planner, Davis, CA. 29 p.
Moore, M. and D. A. Bainbridge. 1974. Bicycle paths: a primer for community action. Bainbridge, Behrens, and Moore, Inc., Broderick, CA.
Bainbridge, D. A. 1972. Man and the city: the human ecosystem. Bainbridge, Behrens, and Moore, Inc., Davis, CA.
Bainbridge, D. A. and D. Thompson. 1971. An environmental plan for the city of Del Mar. San Diego County Environmental Development Agency, San Diego, CA.
Bainbridge, D. A. 2008. Sustainable city in the desert: the San Diego challenge. Sierra Club, San Diego Chapter, San Diego, CA.
Bainbridge, D. A. 2007. California, San Diego and Water. These Days Interview, KPBS.
1981. Outstanding Planning Program Award for Land Use Capability Manual. American Planning Association.
1980. Meritorious Program Award. SF Bay Region Environment and Resources Planning Study. APA Northern California Chapter.
1980. American Institute of Planners Award for Energy Conservation in Davis, Living Systems.
1979. Community Energy Conservation Award. City of Davis for development and implementation of the Davis Energy Conservation Building Code. Living Systems.
1979. State of California Passive Solar Design Competition Award for Cool Pool passive cooling design. Living Systems Team.
1979. Citation by Progressive Architecture 26th Awards Program, for Site Planning for Solar Access. Jon Hammond and David Bainbridge.
1979. Progressive Architecture 26th Awards Program, for Planning Solar Neighborhoods. David Bainbridge and Bruce Melzer., Living Systems.
1978. Special commendation from the California Energy Commission for work on the State Passive Solar Tax Credit Regulations.
1977. American Institute of Planners award for Energy Conservation in Davis Report, Living Systems.