Sustainable Management
The present throughput "waste" economy, which requires more than 80 tons per person of non-renewable natural resources a year, is sacrificing Earth’s ecosystems and future options to maintain the material wealth of the richest people. This cycle of massive consumption of non-renewable resources and the accompanying by-products of enormous waste and pollution are problematic for the long-term success and survival of most organizations and perhaps humanity itself. This destructive practice will gradually yield to custom-tailored services and products. Sustainable management will help speed this transition. We manage what we measure, and better data and improved understanding of cultural and ecological systems will be possible with better use and integration of information-rich technologies and true cost accounting.
Sustainability, management, ethics, ecopreneurship, sustainability reporting, sustainable operations, sustainable products and services, triple bottom line management, sustainable resource management, industrial ecology, stakeholders, project management, enterprise-based accounting, climate change, true cost accounting, data management, leadership, bottom-up, top-down, risk and resilience, GDP, Gross national happiness, Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare, Factor 4, Factor 10, MIPS and other systems.
Ethics in a time of global crises. PPT
Sustainable management as innovation driver. PPT
Stakeholders for sustainability. PPT
Triple Bottom Line Leadership. PPT
Prepare tomorrow’s workforce. PPT
Project management. PPT
✱Bainbridge, D. A. 2010. Environmental management accounting as an innovation driver. Environmental and Sustainability Accounting Network Conference Proceedings, San Diego, CA.
✱Bainbridge, D. A., U. Jamrozy, R. Naert and G. Lorton. 2007. Management for the Triple Bottom Line. Proceedings of the Society for Advancement of Management International Business Conference, Las Vegas, NV March 25-28.pp. 694-705.
✱Bainbridge, D. A. 2007. Challenges for the 21st Century. Resource Engineering and Technology for a Sustainable World. 14(4):8.
✱Bainbridge, D. A. 2008. Leadership – jumping the generation gap. Leadership Excellence. 25(8):14.
✱Naert, R. and D. A. Bainbridge. 2007. Information Technology’s CMMI and the Triple Bottom Line. Proceedings Southwest Decision Sciences Institute 38th Annual Conference, San Diego, CA March 13-17. pp.579-588.
✱Bainbridge, D. A. 2008. Friedman and Lysenko. Real World Economic Review. 46(May/June):158-159.
✱Bainbridge, D. A. 2021. Accounting for Climate Change. Academia Letters. Article 4148.
✱Bainbridge, D. A. 2021. How horseshoes helped win the Civil War. American Farrier.
✱Bainbridge, D. A. 2020. Fur War: The Political, Economic, Cultural and Ecological Impacts of the Western Fur Trade 1765–1840. Rio Redondo Press.
✱Bainbridge, D. A. 1979. Passive solar: an investment in jobs. Energy and Alternatives. 2(4):29-30.
Selected Syllabi
(dated but still of use)
Sustainable products and services
Sustainable resource management