Biography of a Sustainability Leader
Key books
2022. Game Changer: Radar, the Atom Bomb and the Life of Kenneth Tompkins Bainbridge.
2021. Tenacity: Remarkable People of the Fur War.
2020. Fur War: The Political, Economic, Cultural and Ecological Impacts of the Western Fur Trade 1765–1840.
2015. Gardening with Less Water
2011. Passive Solar Architecture
2009. Passive Solar Architecture: Pocket Reference
2009. Rebuilding the American Economy with True Cost Accounting
2007. A Guide for Desert and Dryland Restoration
1994. The Straw Bale House
1991. Sustainable Agriculture for California: A Guide to Information
1983. Water Wall Passive Solar Design Manual
1981. Integral Passive Solar Water Heaters
1980. The Second Passive Solar Catalog
1979. Village Homes' Solar House Designs
1979. Quantitative Land Capability Analysis
1978. The First Passive Solar Catalog
Selected book chapters
2015. Improving vernacular housing in Western China. In The Art of Natural Building: 2nd edition.
2012. Restoration of arid and semi-arid lands. In Restoration Ecology: The New Frontier.
2004. Sustainable building as appropriate technology. In Building Without Borders: Sustainable Construction for the Global Village.
1995. Tropical forestry as if people mattered. In Tropical Forests: Management and Ecology.
1995. Desert soils. In The California Desert.
1993. Mexico Case Study. In Sustainable Agriculture and the Environment in the Humid Tropics.
Agroforestry: Promise and Reality. In Food and Farm, Current Debate.
1981. Moved in mass, Air conditioning without air conditioners. In Solarizing Your Present Home.
2022. Earth Repair Hall of Fame. Global Earth Repair Foundation.
2015. Silver Nautilus Award Winner for Gardening with Less Water.
2011. Bookbuilders Award for best professional reference Passive Solar Architecture.
2009. Heart of Green, 40 inspiring stories of people making a difference. The Daily Green.
2008. Marshall Goldsmith Award for Scholarship.
2007. Award for Excellence in Teaching.
2004. Passive Solar Pioneer. American Solar Energy Society.
2001. World’s Top 40 Socially Conscious Designers, International Design Magazine.
2001. President’s Award for Service, USIU.
1996. World Organization of Building Officials. Innovation in indigenous building materials. BRAN- by Eisenberg DCAT.
1981. Outstanding Planning Program Award, American Planning Association for Land Use Capability Manual.
1980. Honoree San Francsico Book Festival for the The Second Passive Solar Catalog.
1980. Meritorious Program Award. SF Bay Region Environment and Resources Planning Study. APA Northern California Chapter.
1980. American Institute of Planners Award for Energy Conservation in Davis, Living Systems team.
1979. State of California Passive Solar Design Competition. First Place. Central Valley Region. Jon Hammond, Living Systems team.
1979. Community Energy Conservation Award. City of Davis for development and implementation of the Davis Energy Conservation Building Code. Living Systems team.
1979. State of California Passive Solar Design Competition Award for Cool Pool passive cooling design. Living Systems team.
1979. Citation by Progressive Architecture 26th Awards Program, for Site Planning for Solar Access. Jon Hammond and David Bainbridge. Living Systems.
1979. Progressive Architecture Citation - 26th Awards Program for Planning Solar Neighborhoods. David Bainbridge and Bruce Melzer. Living Systems.
1978. Special commendation from the California Energy Commission for the State Passive Solar Tax Credit Regulations.
1977. American Institute of Planners Award for Energy Conservation in Davis Report, Living Systems.

Web resources
BePress - Selected Works of David A Bainbridge
Academia - David A. Bainbridge
Wick Irrigation 2021 (YouTube)
Ollas: Buried Clay Pot Irrigation with up to 90% Water saving (YouTube)
Mesquite: a multipurpose tree crop for the Southwest. (YouTube)
Straw bale building (slide show)
Archived materials
Papers, reports, straw bale and restoration images. University of California, Davis, Special Collections, Davis.
Solar and architectural images. University of Oregon, Design Library, Eugene.
Bellyboard V-Tail, 1968. California Surf Museum, Oceanside.